Personal Analytics: Why dealing with bad ideas in your mind is important ?

The humand mind is the most sofisticated gadget of all since it makes many funciones that we live and don´t really understand why they happen at the momment. I specially identified how our brain is capable of taking bad ideas, bad experiences or simply bad words we´ve heard fromsome one  to an isolated area inside of us to allow our life to flow like it should be, but we still need to deal with them, we can´t live avoiding their existance. 

I want to finish this 2011 reallly changing and working in my waknesses of character to be a better person for this 2012, but for that I need to go inside my hard disk, specially knoking at the closed doors inside of me, like I would tell my son " in my Internet ".

I created this presentation that resumes the idea I have in may head , I hope It can be usefull for you as well.




I believe in research and analysis with all mi passion but I need to start from the beginning to make out of this a reall life style to make the best decisions.